La Grange region
La Grange is located south of Broome in the Western Australian Kimberley and extends from Roebuck Plains Station south to Mandora Station, taking in seven pastoral properties, two horticulture businesses and four Native Title Determinations.
The major project is underway to assess the suitability and potential for further agricultural developments using available ground water resources. This project is funded by Royalties for Regions, Department of Agriculture and Food is the lead agency.
Research is underway into:
- existing water and soil resources in the region
- environmental and cultural areas of significance
- regional landholder aspirations
- investment and venture opportunities
- market opportunities
- land tenure options and requirements
- challenges, issues, obstacles and ways forward surrounding the above.
Engagement and consultation with the region's landholders and project stakeholders is paramount. The team works closely with the pastoralists, horticulture businesses and traditional owners and through the project has developed a clear shared regional vision for the region of La Grange.
Options and pathways will be delivered for appropriate agriculture development in La Grange that is sustainable for the natural resources and focused on respect for country, culture and economic development.
We will also provide economic analysis and tools to assist landholders with development plans and provide links to markets and potential investors.
The La Grange study is a component of the Regional Economic Development Water Opportunities Project funded over four years by Royalties for Regions ($6.4 million) ending June 2016.
For current information on the project, find us on Facebook.