Casual appointments
Casuals are often employed to assist in laboratory or field operations.
Casuals are appointed on an hourly basis to provide immediate support or to assist with seasonal activities (such as seeding or harvesting) or with pest and disease incidents. Casual appointments may be for a period of hours, several days, or up to one month.
Appointments are made throughout the state with preference typically given to applicants residing close to where the service is required. Many of our casuals find this an ideal way to supplement their income, staying in touch with the industry or developing experience and skills.
Short-term employment
Short-term appointments may be technical, professional, clerical or managerial and are typically appointed for a fixed term of up to six months.
This type of appointment may be made to overcome a short-term skills shortage; to provide particular skills not generally held within our department; or to gain the services of a visiting scientist or management specialist.
Work experience
Work experience is recognised by our department as playing an integral part in:
- the total career education program for students, those without employment, those investigating new careers and migrants wishing to develop their previous work experience
- enhancing our department's relationships with education institutions and other relevant organisations.
Where appropriate and resources allow, the our department may participate in work experience programs. Work experience may include tertiary workplace experience programs, developed in conjunction with educational institutes (e.g. Muresk Agricultural College).
Participants work on a project relevant to our department and the career ambitions of the student. Work experience places are unpaid opportunities though contributions to the costs of attending the workplace may be provided, in limited circumstances, at the discretion of our department. Requests seeking a work experience placement should briefly outline the area of career interest and expectations should a placement be approved.
If you're interested in finding out more about, or wish to register your interest in, either casual or short-term appointments or work experience, please email your resume and a covering letter indicating your employment preference, type of work sought and desired date(s) and location(s) to DPIRD Recruitment.