
Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

FlowerPower is an online tool to predict cereal flowering dates (or cutting dates for oats) in your location. Use this information to support decisions on variety choice and the most appropriate sowing date. As with all models, this tool cannot give a 100% guarantee, but it is expected that you will be able to make reasonably accurate varietal comparisons.

What can FlowerPower be used for?

FlowerPower enables the user to compare flowering date predictions over a range of sowing dates.

Development is a complex phenomenon. Early or late break of season, generally colder or warmer seasons, a northern or a southern location, freezing or high temperatures, are all conditions that can influence the day when a given variety will flower at a given location in a given season type.

The tool can be accessed from either this webpage or https://fp.dpird.app.



Dean Diepeveen
Brenda Shackley
Page last updated: Tuesday, 10 August 2021 - 10:59am