What you can request
You can request access to any documents held by the department that are not otherwise publically available.
The term 'document' is not limited to paper documents and can include emails, maps, drawings, films and photographs.
Your request should be specific in nature, and include date ranges or refer to a specific incident or person's name to assist us in identifying relevant documents.
If the information is already available for purchase or free distribution, such as in reference or library collections, publications or websites or are documents that can be inspected in the State Records Office's (WA) archive collection, the Freedom of Information Coordinator will direct you to those resources.
Information statement
If you need guidance on what documents to request, our department publishes an annual information statement (which is available on WA.gov.au) about our services and the kinds of documents we hold and where to freely obtain other information we publish.
How to make a request
You can request access to documents by visiting the Submit a Freedom of Information (FOI) access application page on the WA.gov.au website and completing the online form.
When completing the application form you will need to provide as much information as possible describing the documents you wish to access.
Requests concerning your personal information must be accompanied by photographic identification, such as a copy of your driver's licence or passport.
For any queries regarding your FOI request please contact:
FOI Coordinator
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
Locked Bag 4
Bentley Delivery Centre 6151
Phone: 6552 2008
or email:
FOI Coordinator