Pests, weeds & diseases

Pests, weeds and diseases pose a serious risk for primary producers as they can impact on market access and agricultural production.

To reduce the impact of pests, weeds and diseases, the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development:

  • works with landholders, grower groups, community groups and biosecurity groups.
  • provides diagnostic services and information on prevention, management and treatment.
  • provides biosecurity and quarantine measures to prevent introduction, and to eradicate or manage current pests.

For advice on pests, weeds and diseases search our website, the Western Australian Organism List or contact our Pest and Disease Information Service (PaDIS).

For diagnostic services, please contact our Diagnostic Laboratory Services.


  • The bush fly is a native insect that has affected the lives of Western Australians since before European settlement.

  • Polyphagous shot-hole borer (PSHB, Euwallacea fornicatus) is a small beetle native to Southeast Asia that tunnels into the trunks, stems and branches of trees and plants.

  • Ovine brucellosis is a reproductive disease that can affect all breeds of sheep.

  • Avian influenza is a reportable disease. Some strains have the potential to cause significant losses in wildlife or if commercial poultry enterprises become infected.

  • Queensland fruit fly (Qfly, Bactrocera tryoni) is considered to be one of the most serious pests of fruit and vegetables in Australia.

  • Early identification of important invasive and native problematic ants within Western Australia is critical to achieving successful control and preventing invasive ant species from gaining a footho

  • Permits are required for landholders to possess and use registered S7 pesticides such as 1080, PAPP or strychnine products for vertebrate animal control on leasehold or freehold land.

  • DDLS - Plant Pathology Laboratories charges for the services it provides.

  • The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) fees and charges for biosecurity services comes into effect on 1 July each year* to enable DPIRD to continue to provide essenti

  • A number of starlings have recently been detected along the State's south coast. This article provides information on the identification, biology, impact and management of the common starling.


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