PestFacts WA

PestFacts WA is an informative and interactive reporting service on pests and diseases threatening crops and pastures throughout the grain belt of WA. Weekly news updates throughout the growing season provide readers with risk alerts, current information and advice.

PestFacts WA Issue 10, 26 July 2024

To spray or not to spray? 
DPIRD’s 2024 crop disease and insect identification workshop is fully booked 
DPIRD Diagnostics and Laboratory Services update

PestFacts WA Issue 9, 19 July 2024

Sclerotinia disease in progress in WA
Diamondback moth caterpillars are being found early
Turnip yellows virus and green peach aphid detected in yellow sticky traps and canola crops
Redlegged earth mite update 

PestFacts WA Issue 8, 12 July 2024

Leaf rust, powdery mildew, yellow spot/nodorum blotch and flag smut are appearing in wheat
Early spot form and net form net blotches are emerging in barley
Bacterial blight and Septoria avenae blotch in oats

PestFacts WA Issue 7, 5 July 2024

Russian wheat aphids being found in cereal crops
Lucerne flea update
Register to attend DPIRD’s 2024 crop disease and insect identification workshop

PestFacts WA Issue 6, 28 June 2024

Slaters and Portuguese millipedes are damaging crop seedlings
Canola aphid and virus update

PestFacts WA Issue 5, 21 June 2024

Slugs are damaging seedling crops
Native budworm moth flights have started

PestFacts WA Issue 4, 14 June 2024

Turnip yellows virus detected in migrating cabbage aphids
Diamondback moths in moisture stressed crops 
European and native earwigs 
Updated winter spring insecticide guide 2024 is now available
Slime mould

PestFacts WA Issue 3, 31 May 2024

Using pitfall traps to detect pests
Cockchafer larvae are damaging crops
Caterpillars continue to feed on crops
Mite and lucerne flea update

PestFacts WA Issue 2, 17 May 2024

Weevils are damaging moisture stressed canola
Snails have started to lay eggs 
Caterpillar pests – how to recognise them in your crop
Field pea blackspot disease forecasts for WA are available online
PestFacts WA webinar recording can now be viewed online

PestFacts WA Issue 1, 3 May 2024

Now is the time to patch bait snails
Redlegged earth mites are hatching
Early pest alert - Rutherglen bugs
Mid-West canola growers should monitor for Dongara weevil
Updated insecticide guide 2024 and changes to insecticide registrations
Free insect identification service...


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