PestFacts WA

PestFacts WA is an informative and interactive reporting service on pests and diseases threatening crops and pastures throughout the grain belt of WA. Weekly news updates throughout the growing season provide readers with risk alerts, current information and advice.

PestFacts WA Issue 2, 22 April 2022

Identifying and managing weevils in canola
Redlegged earth mites are hatching and resistance testing is available this season
Do you want to host a Fall armyworm trap this season?
Meet PestFacts WA team lead and editor – Cindy Webster
PestFacts WA Plant disease webinar

PestFacts WA Issue 1, 8 April 2022

What to expect from mollusc pests after a hot dry summer
Meet our new team member – Dr Saleh Adnan
Canola blackleg risk forecasts
Register now for the PestFacts WA Plant disease webinar
Have you checked out the new Grains Farm Biosecurity website?

PestFax Issue 21, 5 November 2021

Final PestFax newsletter for 2021!
Please report locust sightings and listen to DPIRD’s new locust and grasshopper podcast
Managing cereal rusts in 2022
Lupin Phomopsis and Sclerotinia

PestFax Issue 20, 22 October 2021

Locust and grasshopper update and risk outlook for 2022
WA’s native budworm moth surveillance is winding down for 2021
Fusarium crown rot

PestFax Issue 19, 15 October 2021

Armyworm cause most damage in cereal crops close to harvest
Diamondback moth update
Lucerne seed web moth
Keep monitoring for native budworm
Stripe rust in wheat

PestFax Issue 18, 1 October 2021

Be mindful of chemical withholding periods if spraying for native budworm
Clean augers, field bins and silos to prevent insects contaminating grain

PestFax Issue 17, 17 September 2021

Spring control of redlegged earth mites
Native budworm
DPIRD’s CropScout app has new sweep net module
Listen to DPIRD’s new crop protection podcasts

PestFax Issue 16, 3 September 2021

Caterpillars in cereal crops: armyworm or budworm?
Locust hatchings have started
Cereal aphid update
Native budworm moth trapping
Check susceptible oat crops for leaf and stem rusts

PestFax Issue 15, 27 August 2021

Diamondback moth activity is increasing in the Geraldton port zone
Russian wheat aphid: their spread and potential impact on summer crops
Native budworm moth trapping update
Are you confused about canola growth stages?
Soilborne Pathogen Workshops

PestFax Issue 14, 20 August 2021

Australian plague locust: spring hatchings are predicted
Native budworm pose a threat to serradella pastures

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