Pathways to a career in food and fibre

Page last updated: Tuesday, 12 September 2017 - 1:56pm

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

The Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia supports the growth of Western Australia’s agrifood sector in four key areas: markets, productivity, profitability and people.

For those interested in a career in the food and fibre sector, we have provided information and links for primary schools, as well as secondary and tertiary pathways for agricultural education.


A career in food and fibre may be achieved through secondary, vocational education and training and tertiary education pathways. Education pathways, special programs and scholarships which may assist your goal of a career in food and fibre are described further in the following sections:

  • Primary school programs and facilities
  • Secondary schools and colleges 
  • Vocational education and training
  • Tertiary education
