Wine Industry Newsletter

Since 1981 the Wine Industry Newsletter has been providing the Western Australian wine industry with information on research, development, extension and technical articles. It provides readers with information in a brief and simple format with each issue released on a quarterly basis.

Wine Industry News, vol. 153

In this edition read about the latest information on the Provenance project, how to access data from upgraded weather stations, GPGV pest status, latest recipients of the WA Agrifood and Beverage Voucher Program and much more.

Wine Industry News, vol. 152

In this edition read about the success of the WA Sparkling symposium, the bottling of DPIRD trial wines, Wine Australia regional program activities, workshops, APC fees and much more..

Wine Industry News, vol. 151

Volume 151 features a summary of climatic data of the current growing season compared  to the previous seasons across WA’s 9 wine regions, information on the mysterious Pinot Noir clone 'Droopy', available programs and grants, tribute to Dr John Gladstones AO and future events.

WIN vol 150

In this 150th edition of the Wine Industry Newsletter articles include a summary of DPIRD's research activities over the vintage, a recap of the Australian Cabernet Sysmposium, a teaser for the upcoming Sparkling symposium, insights into Diaporthe ampelina surveillance, WAVIA report,...

WIN vol 149

In this last newsletter edition for 2023, articles include the Australian Cabernet symposium coming to WA, an update on Provenance research project, a review of a sprayable biodegradable mulch technology, wineries installing digital solutions via Shoestring, On Farm Connectivity program, Turning...

WIN vol. 148

The September issue of the Wine Industry Newsletter features a summary from a project trapping powdery mildew spores, technical symposium being planned for next year, 2022 production data, DPIRD's Voucher Program supporting wine producers, digital solutions on a shoestring, strategic planning ,...

WIN vol 147

This edition features a wrap up of vintage activities from the DPIRD wine research team, a climatic summary of the 2022/23 season across WA, further details of the shoestring digital solutions project, trialling electric weed control, a biosecurity alert and more... 

WIN vol 146

In this edition, articles include grants available for WA wine businesses, technology for undervine management, Cabernet Sauvignon wine clone selections and more...

WIN vol 145

In this last edition of 2022, articles include a newly published guide to the uniqueness of WA's wine regions, investigating the performance of Cabernet Sauvignon clones, new DPIRD weather stations in Margaret River and Great Southern and more...

WIN vol. 144

This edition of the Wine Industry Newsletter contains articles on the recent detection of Grapevine red blotch virus, regional program activities, the Wine Producers' Committee's vintage summary, pruning workshop for ageing vines, alternative vessels for winemaking and upcoming events. 


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