Land use
Western Australia is the largest Australian State, spanning 2 400 kilometres from north to south, and experiencing a variety of climatic conditions, soil and land properties, and water availability. Accordingly, the state is suited to a variety of agricultural industries ranging from open range grazing and broadacre cereal cropping through to irrigated pastures and horticulture, orchards and vineyards.
The Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia provides the advice, support and tools needed to ensure the State’s land has the capability to sustain agricultural use, without degrading the soil and water resources on which it relies, and to ensure our most valuable agricultural land is protected from non-agricultural development.
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- Rangelands (175) Apply Rangelands filter
- Small landholders in Western Australia (62) Apply Small landholders in Western Australia filter
- Crops (55) Apply Crops filter
- Resource assessment (39) Apply Resource assessment filter
- Livestock & animals (37) Apply Livestock & animals filter
- Soils (35) Apply Soils filter
- Pastures (29) Apply Pastures filter
- Livestock management (28) Apply Livestock management filter
- Managing soils (19) Apply Managing soils filter
- Water (15) Apply Water filter
- Land use planning (14) Apply Land use planning filter
- Carbon Farming - related pages (13) Apply Carbon Farming - related pages filter
- Measuring and assessing soils (12) Apply Measuring and assessing soils filter
- Pasture species (12) Apply Pasture species filter
- Carbon farming (11) Apply Carbon farming filter
- Feeding & nutrition (10) Apply Feeding & nutrition filter
- Livestock species (8) Apply Livestock species filter
- Soil nutrients (7) Apply Soil nutrients filter
- Horticulture (7) Apply Horticulture filter
- Soil salinity (7) Apply Soil salinity filter
- Climate & weather (7) Apply Climate & weather filter
- Climate change (7) Apply Climate change filter
- High rainfall pastures (7) Apply High rainfall pastures filter
- Assessment for agricultural expansion (6) Apply Assessment for agricultural expansion filter
- Beef cattle (5) Apply Beef cattle filter
- Water management (5) Apply Water management filter
- Report card on conditions and trends (4) Apply Report card on conditions and trends filter
- Pests, weeds & diseases (4) Apply Pests, weeds & diseases filter
- Grains (4) Apply Grains filter
- Biosecurity & quarantine (4) Apply Biosecurity & quarantine filter
- Food & beverages (3) Apply Food & beverages filter
- Biosecurity (3) Apply Biosecurity filter
- Agribusiness Food & Trade (3) Apply Agribusiness Food & Trade filter
- Pests (2) Apply Pests filter
- Pest insects (2) Apply Pest insects filter
- Poultry & birds (2) Apply Poultry & birds filter
- New horticulture crops (2) Apply New horticulture crops filter
- Water erosion (2) Apply Water erosion filter
- Weeds (2) Apply Weeds filter
- Irrigated crops (2) Apply Irrigated crops filter
- Food, export & investment (2) Apply Food, export & investment filter
- Management & reproduction (2) Apply Management & reproduction filter
- Fruit (2) Apply Fruit filter
- Livestock biosecurity (2) Apply Livestock biosecurity filter
- Livestock research & development (2) Apply Livestock research & development filter
- Biological control (1) Apply Biological control filter
- Agricultural exports (1) Apply Agricultural exports filter
- Avocados (1) Apply Avocados filter