
With every second year, on average, delivering frosts significant enough to wipe out tens of millions of dollars of Western Australian crops, it is no surprise that the state’s grain growers place frost management at the top of their research, development and extension priority list.

The occurrence and severity of frost is spatially variable with the frost ‘window’ widening and the number of frost incidence increasing. The average loss from frost is conservatively estimated as $400M per annum. The Grains Research and Development Corporation’s National Frost Initiative coordinates a $4M per annum program of genetic, environmental and management approaches to deliver solutions for the grains industry. The department coordinates the management node of this initiative. The focus is on cereals, particularly wheat, as this is the dominant winter crop in all regions and thus underpins the sustainability of farm enterprise and farming systems.


  • Through targeted grains research and development (R&D), the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development's (DPIRD) Boosting Grains Research and Development project aims to increase

  • This guide has been published to assist cereal growers to identify frost damage and consider crop management decisions.

  • Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) Research Officer Ben Biddulph was interviewed by reporter Debra Bishop for a Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) Gro

  • This page hosts the 2018 frost trial information, handy project resources and the frost severity maps (from August).

  • Frost occurs on clear nights in early spring when the air temperature drops to 2°C or less.

  • The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) plays a major role in addressing the impact of frost on WA growers through a combination of on-farm research and development ac

  • Western Australia's climate has changed over the last century, particularly over the last 50 years. Average temperature has risen about 1°C.

  • Frost is difficult to manage. It has a significant economic and emotional impact on the whole community.

  • The department is a key partner in the Grains Research and Development Corporations' (GRDC) National Frost Initiative (NFI) which aims to provide the Australian grains industry with targeted resear

  • The national 'Determining yield under frost – one degree at a time' project was a collaborative effort between the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD), Kalyx, Living F