The eConnected team is raising the awareness of these tools and assisting WA growers and consultants to improve their technological skill levels by enabling growers to make more profitable decisions tailored to their farm businesses, and in turn leading to improved profits.
Further, the project has moved into another phase, with important focus areas of regional connectivity through engagement and the possibilities of shared data.
The project is also starting to move towards the data control and accessibility space, particularly in terms of investigating methods currently being implemented with regards to the sharing of agricultural data and the related benefits to those involved.
We are continuing to meet our objectives by –
- increasing the awareness, understanding and use of ag-tech tools to improve decision-making by grain growers and their consultants;
- supporting policy development and industry strategies for partnering and funding improved infrastructure to address ‘to-farm’ connectivity; and
- working with collaborators to initiate and facilitate an industry approach to an open information ecosystem allowing for better flow of information between grain growers, their consultants, suppliers, buyers, researchers, suppliers of weather data and other industry participants.
The project team is also managing the WA Internet of Things (IoT) DecisionAg Grants Program. As part of this program 13 grower groups and agricultural schools/ colleges were awarded State Government funding in 2019 to trial and investigate different on-farm connectivity solutions supporting remote on-farm monitoring with Internet of Things (IoT) devices and data analysis platforms. Ten of the 15 projects to be awarded funding through the IoT program are now installed and live.
The team is also looking at the eConnected project’s longevity and considering its legacy.
Look for us on Facebook or Twitter or give us a shout-out on social media via #eConnectedWA.
eConnected Web Portal
For all your ag-tech information, visit our regularly updated eConnected Web Portal.
Visit the resources page for documents, presentations and all things ag-tech.
Decision support tools
The eConnected Grainbelt Project aims to make a real difference to growers’ businesses and the grains industry.
The project team has developed a series of state-of-the-art tools to help you grow your farm business and help you raise your profits.
DPIRD-developed tools available, include - Read more
* Please note: available ag-tech tools may have been developed by DPIRD or a third party.
Application Programming Interfaces released
The department has developed further Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), including Organisms, Pestfax Map, Soils and Science APIs. These accompany the updated Weather API and the existing Radar API.
An API is described as a set of subroutine definitions, protocols, and tools for building application software. In general terms, it is a set of clearly defined methods of communication between various software elements. An API can make it easier to develop a computer program by providing all the 'building blocks', which are then put together by the programmers.
An API may be for a web-based system, operating system, database system, computer hardware or software library.
For further information on our latest APIs, please visit our API page.
Or complete the online DPIRD API registration form.
If you have any suggestions please do not hesitate to provide feedback.
Weather Website
Learn more about the upgraded DPIRD Weather Website.
DPIRD has a network of 187 automated weather stations across the state.
A number of Doppler radars are also located throughout WA and operate in conjunction with the weather stations.
The department's weather website is continually being updated. For the latest weather information visit W:
Contact details
If you have any queries please email the eConnected Grainbelt Project team – E: