
Sheep notes

Key Market- Jordan

Jordan has a population of approximately 7.6 million people and is showing signs of strong population and GDP growth. Sheepmeat consumption is estimated to be approximately 9kg/capita.

During 2015/16 Jordan was one of the largest export markets for the Western Australian sheep industry. Jordan was the third largest destination for both sheepmeat exports and live sheep exports from WA.

Jordan accounted for 10% of the sheepmeat exported from WA in 2015/16 with a value of A$29.5 million (Figure 18), and 9% of the live sheep exports at a value of A$16.9 million (Figure 20).

As illustrated below in Figure 24, Jordan is predominantly a lamb market taking very little of WA’s mutton exports in recent years. Over the last decade the value of lamb exports to Jordan have increased 803% from A$3.1 million in 2005/06 to A$28.3 million in 2015/16.

hart illustrating the breakdown of sheepmeat exports between 2005/06 and 2015/16 into mutton and lamb exports by value. Jordan is predominantly a lamb market but a small value of mutton does get exported there. The value of lamb exports has increased subs
Figure 24 Value (A$ million) of WA sheepmeat exports to Jordan (Based on ABS data, DAFWA analysis)

As demonstrated in Figure 25, as the exports of WA sheepmeat to Jordan have increased over the last decade the exports of live sheep from WA to Jordan have generally been on a downward trend. Between 2005/06 and 2015/16 the volume of live sheep exports to Jordan has fallen from 568 000 head to 157 000 head, a fall of 72%, while the volume of sheepmeat exports have increased 509% from 868 thousand kg to 5.3 million kg.

The left hand axis has thevolume of sheepmeat exports to Jordan between 2005/06 and 2015/16. Between 2005/06 and 2007/08 there was a sharp incline in the value of live exports from under 1 million to over 5 million. The quantiity has a similar trend. In 2
Figure 25 Quantity of WA live sheep exports and sheepmeat exports to Jordan (Based on ABS data, DAFWA analysis)