Quarantine WA contacts
Interstate livestock - import requirements
Coordinator - Technical Services
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) Quarantine WA
Phone +61 (0)8 9334 1800
Fax +61 (0)8 9334 1880
Email QWALivestockImports@dpird.wa.gov.au
Interstate livestock - inspection bookings
(for imports through Perth domestic airport or port of Fremantle)
The Scheduler
DPIRD Quarantine WA
Phone +61 (0)8 9334 1800
Fax +61 (0)8 9334 1880
Email InterstateLivestockPerth@dpird.wa.gov.au
Business hours are 8:00am to 4:00pm Monday to Friday (excluding WA public holidays).
Note: A minimum of 24 hours prior notification of livestock arrivals into WA is to be given to the Scheduler.
Interstate livestock-inspection bookings (livestock yards – South Boulder WA)
Livestock Inspector
Mobile phone +61 (0)417 957 234 (preferred contact phone number)
Phone +61 (0)8 9093 4819
Fax +61 (0)8 9093 4839 or after hours +61 (0)8 9091 9854
Email InterstateLivestockKalgoorlie@dpird.wa.gov.au
Note: A minimum of 72 hours prior notification of livestock arrivals into WA is to be given to the Livestock Inspector.
Interstate livestock - inspection bookings (livestock yards – Kununurra WA)
Livestock Inspector
Mobile +61 (0)4 7775 7185 (preferred contact number)
Phone +61 (0)8 9166 4000
Fax +61 (0)8 9166 4067 or +61 (0)8 9166 4066
Email InterstateLivestockKununurra@dpird.wa.gov.au
Note: A minimum of 72 hours prior notification of livestock arrivals into WA is to be given to the Livestock Inspector.
Interstate livestock operational matters
Manager Import Clearance
DPIRD Quarantine WA
Phone +61 (0)8 9334 1800
Fax +61 (0)8 9334 1880