Visit the WA Digital Infrastructure Atlas
This unique resource allows the business and investment sector – particularly those operating in regional WA – to inquire what physical telecommunications infrastructure is available in their operational or service areas. It will be updated periodically, as necessary, to ensure it is up to date.
The Atlas was produced as part of the State Telecommunications Infrastructure Audit which is guiding investments through its Agricultural Telecommunications Infrastructure Improvement Fund to drive growth and jobs.
In 2017, the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development worked with the former Office of the Government Chief Information Officer – now the Office of Digital Government – to conduct an audit of Western Australia's telecommunications infrastructure.
Information from the audit was leveraged to produce this interactive and publically accessible online map as a general introduction to telecommunications infrastructure throughout WA.
This interactive map is complemented with economic and demographic datasets to enhance its relevance for the business and investment community.
Therefore, it could be used as a tool to investigate locations throughout the state where investment opportunities might be considered and pursued for telecommunications infrastructure and other uses to enhance regional economic development and the wellbeing of regional communities across WA.
The Atlas features:
Dataset Custodian
A custodian of a dataset denotes the entity that is responsible for its availability and maintenance. Custodians employ a range of methods to capture and maintain the data under their responsibility. Although custodians are the source of these datasets in this context, the data contained within each of the datasets may contain additional sources which are dependent on its capture and maintenance methods. Datasets below are linked to the custodian's pages for that particular dataset.
Register of Radiocommunication Licenses (RRL) - SITES - Australian Communications and Media Authority
Mobile Black Spot Program (Round 1 Funded Base Stations) - Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
National Telephone Exchanges - Geoscience Australia
NBN Points of Interconnection - Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
Approximate Fibre Locations - Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
Telecommunications in New Developments - Department of Communications and the Arts
Maritime Cables - CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research
Regional Development Commission Boundaries - Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
Local Government Authority (LGA) Boundaries - Landgate
South-West Agricultural Region - Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
Agricultural Properties - Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
Demographic and Economic
Census of Population: Mesh Block Counts, 2016 - Australian Bureau of Statistics
Census of Population: Mesh Block Categories, 2016 - Australian Bureau of Statistics
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