Industry Funding Scheme Reports

Page last updated: Friday, 14 June 2024 - 2:24pm

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

Industry Funding Schemes enable agricultural industries to raise funds for programs targeting biosecurity priorities. This page provides links to reports relating to the Industry Funding Schemes. Where reports are not available for download, copies can be made available on request. Refer to the contact details below.

Industry Funding Schemes:

  • Industry Funding Scheme regulations: A review of their operation and effectiveness (July 2016) - An independent review of the regulations for the three Industry Funding Schemes, undertaken after 5 years of operation (pdf)
  • Industry funded biosecurity management in Western Australia: A review of the Western Australian industry funded biosecurity management Schemes (June 2012) — An independent review of the three Industry Funding Schemes and the regulations, undertaken after the first year of operation.
  • Sumary of results from consultation with industry on the development of Industry Funding Schemes under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 (July 2010)

Cattle Industry Funding Scheme:

Grains, Seeds & Hay Industry Funding Scheme:

Sheep & Goats Industry Funding Scheme:

  • Annual reports - available from the link on the right