Industry Funding Schemes
Three Industry Funding Schemes commenced on 1 July 2010 to address pest and disease threats relevant to the grains/seeds/hay, sheep/goat, and cattle industries. The schemes use funding arrangements authorised under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 (BAM Act), whereby producers can raise funds to tackle priority pests and diseases.
An Industry Management Committee oversees the management of each scheme. Members of the committees include participants in the schemes (that is, producers), appointed by the Minister for Agriculture and Food.
In conjunction with the industry, the Management Committees determine which pest and disease threats require action, how best to deal with the threats and what contributions will be needed from industry to tackle the problem. This allows producers to raise funds to self-manage priority pests and diseases that may affect the viability and sustainability of their industries.
The regulations enabling the Industry Funding Schemes are available at the Western Australian Legislation website.
Current Industry Funding Schemes
The below schemes came into effect on 1 July 2020 and continue into the 2022/2023 financial year:
Cattle: Producers continue to pay a 20 cent contribution on the sale of all cattle/carcasses produced within the State, with the proceeds being used to fund surveillance programs for Johne’s disease in cattle (c-strain), enzootic bovine leucosis and bovine tuberculosis.
Sheep and goats: A 17 cent contribution on the sale of all sheep and goats (live or carcasses) produced within the State, to fund programs to control virulent footrot and wild dogs.
Grains, seeds and hay: A 25 cent contribution on the first sale of every tonne of grain and seed produced within the South West Land Division, and 12.5 cents per tonne on the first sale of every tonne of hay produced within the South West Land Division. The contributions will fund continuing programs to control skeleton weed and eradicate three-horned bedstraw.
Notice of the annual schemes is published in the Western Australian Government Gazette.
Producers who wish to opt out of the Industry Funding Schemes must do so each year. See the Opting Out page for details.
Email: Industry Funding Schemes