About the Biosecurity Council
The Biosecurity Council of Western Australia (the Council) was established under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 as a specialist advisory group to the Minister for Agriculture and Food and the Director General of the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development on any matter related to biosecurity.
In particular, the Council may provide advice on:
- the requirements of a comprehensive and effective biosecurity system for Western Australia, including necessary linkages to other biosecurity systems, and significant gaps in or improvements required to the system.
- opportunities to improve cooperation and collaboration on biosecurity matters.
- opportunities to improve awareness, support for biosecurity objectives.
- matters referred to the Council by the Minister or the Director General.
Membership of the Council consists of people with a general or specific interest in biosecurity management, and includes members of community and producer organisations. The majority of the Council are experienced or actively involved in agriculture, forestry, fishing or pearling or related commercial activities; natural resource management; environmental protection; or regional communities. This ensures a broad range of skills, expertise and knowledge, and a diversity of opinions and contacts.
Western Australia is free from many animal and plant pests and diseases that occur elsewhere in Australia, primarily thanks to a history of effective programs that have either prevented pests and diseases from entering or successfully controlled those that did enter.
Despite Western Australia having one of the best biosecurity systems in the world, improvements must be made. With continuing increases in the frequency and volume of people and goods entering the State, the challenge of maintaining relative freedom from pests and diseases is escalating.
Post-border biosecurity can also be improved to better manage and control pests and diseases already established in the State that affect the amenity of our people, the productivity of primary industries, biodiversity and the integrity of natural ecosystems.
The Biosecurity Council is comprised of at least seven members, with members serving a term of no more than three years, after which they are eligible for reappointment. The Council holds four face-to-face meetings every year. Council members are paid remuneration of: Chairman $27 300 per annum, Member $13 700 per annum; and are eligible for reimbursement of travel expenses in accordance with the Public Sector Commissioner’s Circular 2009-20.
Executive/ administrative support is provided to the Council by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development.
Contact information
Monica Coates
+61 (0)8 9368 3809