Cattle IFS Management Committee: strategic plan

Page last updated: Monday, 24 June 2024 - 11:22am

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

This page contains the strategic plan for the Cattle Industry Funding Scheme Management Committee. 

Purpose of the Committee (Vision)

To facilitate improvements in the biosecurity, productivity and viability of the Western Australian cattle industry, enabling WA to maintain its international recognition for excellent cattle disease status and product integrity.

Role of the Committee (Mission)

To administer producer contributions on a prioritised basis to assist the WA cattle industry manage biosecurity risks and improve its productivity and viability, including via research and development.

Goals and Strategies of the Committee

Goal 1  Industry values the contribution of the Scheme

  • Strategy 1.1 develop and implement an industry engagement process
  • Stategy 1.2 employ good governance processes and procedures in the oversight of the IFS.

Goal 2 Improve understanding and knowledge of biosecurity issues

  • Strategy 2.1 develop and implement an industry engagement process
  • Strategy 2.2 support activity to raise awareness of 1) the importance of biosecurity as a management tool in the WA cattle industry; and 2) producer biosecurity responsibilities.

Goal 3 Industry’s priorities are addressed, particularly those relating to biosecurity

  • Strategy 3.1 work closely with kindred organisations to identify priorities
  • Strategy 3.2 provide support for priority biosecurity programs
  • Strategy 3.3 provide support for priority research and development to improve cattle health and production and/or promote and encourage the WA cattle industry.

Criteria for investment decisions

Investment of IFS funds

These criteria must be met before a decision is made to invest:

  • the target pest/disease is declared under the BAM Act, and specified under the IFS regulations
  • the issue is a priority for industry, and is supported by industry
  • programs to target the issue will provide clear benefits for the WA cattle industry (productivity and viability).

Investment of funds collected under previous legislation

These criteria must be met before a decision is made to invest:

  • the activity is a priority for industry, and is supported by industry
  • the work will provide clear benefits for industry
  • the activity is achievable and does not duplicate other work
  • proponents can demonstrate their capability to undertake the work.