The federal Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (DAWE) is the competent authority for live animal export health certification. DAWE issues export health certificates based on animal health and biosecurity declarations provided by state and territory departments. DPIRD provides the declarations for Western Australia, after verifying the biosecurity status of the properties of origin, in the form of a DPIRD property of origin statement.
DPIRD's capability to issue property of origin statements is based on WA's robust biosecurity systems, which include livestock identification and traceability and livestock disease investigation and diagnostics.
These systems allow WA to verify to international markets our freedom from trade-relevant diseases and that we are likely detect to reportable diseases early.
On the basis of these systems, DPIRD is able to issue property of origin statements, which involves:
- accurately defining the property of origin
- verifying state and/or property disease status for reportable diseases
- substantiating disease transmission zones
- verifying property location with regard to disease transmission zones (e.g. bluetongue virus zone and cattle tick zone).
Submitting a request for a property of origin statement
Exporters are asked to submit their requests via the online form in the link below. (First-time users will be asked to register and create a login. Once you have received the login, you can use the form link below to lodge your requests.)
Property of origin and animal health statement request online form |
Exporters should submit requests to DPIRD with three or more business days’ notice to ensure that DPIRD has sufficient time to process the request. Please note: three business days' notice includes the day of submission only if the request is received by DPIRD before midday (AWST). Weekends and public holidays are not included. Please note in the comments section of the online form if the request is urgent (i.e. required within less than three business days - see fees below).
Requests for clearance of additional properties (property identification codes - PICs) that were not included in the original submission may incur additional fees or require a separate online submission and/or statement.
Exporters will be prompted to provide the following information, as part of the online form submission, with each request:
- The current export health certification requirements for the market to which exporting.
- Exporters can obtain this from the DAWE Manual of Importing Country Requirements.
- A list of the properties of origin, in Excel format, including the property identification codes (PIC).
- Please ensure PICs are valid before providing them to DPIRD. PICs can be checked on the DPIRD Brands website.
- DPIRD will process PICs provided by the exporter as well as the associated PICs for each property. The fee for a property of origin statement is calculated on both the PICs provided and the associated PICs.
- The livestock consignment number(s) (LNC)
- Vessel name/number
- Estimated date of departure.
- The property of origin statement will be produced by DPIRD and returned to the exporter’s email address specified on the request, no later than close of business the day before the nominated departure date.
DPIRD provides property of origin animal health declarations for those diseases which are legally reportable, as prescribed by the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007. Importing countries and DAWE may have documentation requirements for other non-reportable diseases. Exporters will need to obtain a producer vendor declaration for these other non-reportable diseases.
DPIRD implements the property of origin statement system on a cost-recovered basis, with the information on the fees applicable for a property of origin statement found on the webpage: Fees, charges and procurement.