Biosecurity fees and charges

Page last updated: Monday, 1 July 2024 - 10:41am

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) fees and charges for biosecurity services come into effect on 1 July each year*.

Treasurer's Instruction 810 requires State Government agencies to conduct reviews of their tariffs, fees and charges on at least an annual basis.

Biosecurity inspection fees and charges are payable by the importer, exporter or owner of the organism or potential carrier, and by the owner or occupier of a property or facility.

Fees are also charged for permits, registrations and accreditations.

Western Australia is free of many pests and diseases found in other parts of Australia, and its sound biosecurity system including border inspection helps to maintain this freedom.

DPIRD manages about 330 fees and charges for biosecurity services, most of which in the past have recovered very small amounts of revenue.

DPIRD reviewes the previous years fees and charges to consider the costs incurred by DPIRD in providing biosecurity services. This review may result in some changes to fees and charges.

Changes to DPIRDS's fees and charges come into effect on 1 July each year* to enable DPIRD to continue to provide essential biosecurity services. Fees and charges allow for:

  • Consistency across all biosecurity delivery areas.
  • The need to reflect a fair and reasonable true cost of services, including a realistic measure of staff time.
  • Phasing in of full cost recovery of fees, as per State Government policy.

Refer to the Agriculture and Food Services, Products and Fees booklet on this page for the full list of fees and charges.


Payment options for fees and charges are listed on the back page of the Services, products and fees booklet, which can be downloaded from this page.

In some cases payment for permit applications must be submitted PRIOR to payment. Once submitted, an invoice will be issued and the application will be processed.

Permit applications

Refer to the 'see also' links on this page to access permit application forms.


Exemptions for fees and charges are listed in the Services, products and fees booklet, which can be downloaded from this page or the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management (Fees and Charges) Determination which is published in the WA Government Gazette.

*Fees may be subject to review throughout the financial year and may change either by approval of the Director General, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia or by amendment to regulation (if applicable).