Fees and charges allow for:
- consistency across all biosecurity delivery areas
- the need to reflect a fair and reasonable true cost of services, including a realistic measure of staff time
- phasing in full cost recovery of fees as per State Government policy.
Biosecurity inspection fees and charges are payable by the importer, exporter or owner of the organism or potential carrier, and by the owner or occupier of a property or facility.
When importing livestock into Western Australia various fees apply for inspection, treatment, yarding, vehicle washdown and other related activities. Charges exist to maintain the quarantine inspection facilities at Kalgoorlie and Kununurra and enable year-round, on-call service at the entry inspection points. This also ensures that taxpayers' (public) money is not used to subsidise inspection services for livestock importers.
Refer to the Agriculture and Food Services, Products and Fees booklet in the documents sectio of this page for the full list of fees and charges.
Ways to minimise inspection costs
- Ensure all entry documentation is complete, legible, includes full details of ownership and address of the properties of origin and destination. This must be submitted at least 3 working days prior to entry into WA. Failure to do so may result in delays at the border and increased time to conduct inspection.
- Contact the relevant Entry Inspection Facility (see contacts below) at least three days in advance of estimated arrival and arrange entry and inspection times at the stockyard.
- Have transporter / owner assist with unloading, loading and handling of livestock at the facility to ensure a constant flow of animals during inspection.
Entry inspection facility contacts
District office | Phone |
Kununurra | +61 (0)477 757 185 |
Kalgoorlie | +61 (0)417 957 234 |
Airport | +61 (0)8 9334 1800 |
Payment options for fees and charges are listed in the Agriculture and Food Services, Products and Fees booklet, which can be downloaded from the documents section of this page.
In some cases payment for permit applications must be submitted PRIOR to payment. Once submitted, an invoice will be issued and the application will be processed.
Exemptions for fees and charges are listed in the Services, products and fees booklet, which can be downloaded from this page or the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management (Fees and Charges) Determination which is published in the WA Government Gazette.
*Fees may be subject to review throughout the financial year and may change either by approval of the Director General, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia or by amendment to regulation (if applicable).