In this edition...
Free pest and disease management training for apple and pear growers
Western Australian apple and pear growers are invited to attend free training in Integrated Pest and Disease Management (IPDM) in Balingup and Walliston to help preserve orchard health and viability.
Clarity on pests and diseases to yield quality truffles
A team of research and development officers from across Australia have been working on a project since May 2015 to clarify pests and diseases to improve the quality of Australian truffles.
Networking invaluable on food and beverage tour
Networking, knowledge-sharing and a first-hand look at the facilities and innovative techniques of a select group of Western Australian businesses, were highlights of the Food Industry Innovation project’s first Regional Food and Beverage Business Study Tour held earlier this year.
Expert support program to help food businesses reach potential
About 25 Western Australian premium food and beverage businesses have registered their interest for the Food Industry Innovation project’s new Expert for a Day initiative and other business support programs.
DPIRD and CGA host Tomato Field Day
More than 25 Carnarvon growers and industry representatives Australia-wide, attended a Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) Tomato Field Day, held in collaboration with the Carnarvon Growers Association (CGA) recently.