Quarantine - information for private travellers

Page last updated: Wednesday, 7 August 2024 - 10:46am

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

Western Australia remains relatively free of pests and diseases that adversely affect our agricultural industries and environment. This allows our primary producers easy access to worldwide markets.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, through Quarantine WA, has strict biosecurity legislation in place so please check for any restrictions that may apply before importing to WA. It may help avoid a costly fine or even prosecution.

This page offers some advice for private travellers wishing to carry general food items with them into WA.

In accordance with regulated entry conditions, quarantine risk material must be declared to a Quarantine Inspector on arrival into Western Australia.

Below is a summary for travellers of some common imports and their associated entry conditions.

Please keep in mind that Quarantine entry requirements on these listed items can change depending on recent pest and disease outbreaks.

Permitted fruit and vegetables

Permitted fruit and vegetables must be free of sprouting green growth, soil, pests and disease:

  • pineapple
  • watermelon (peeled and diced)
  • onions (peeled)
  • garlic (peeled)
  • carrot
  • corn on the cob (husk removed)
  • mushrooms (commercially packaged)
  • parsnip
  • beetroot
  • swede
  • sweet potato
  • pumpkin (peeled and seeds removed)
  • taro
  • turnip
  • galangal
  • turmeric
  • ginger
  • coconut (peri-carp removed, brown husk okay).

Hard frozen fruit and vegetables

All fruit and vegetables are permitted if hard frozen on arrival except:

  • grapes
  • mango with seed
  • unpeeled onions
  • unpeeled garlic
  • unpeeled potatoes
  • fruit from the Myrtaceae family (includes guava, muntries, riberries etc).

Dried fruits and vegetables

  • Permitted if commercially packaged (no stems or parts of plants).
  • Mango must have seed removed.
  • Fruit from the Myrtaceae family (includes guava, muntries, riberries etc) are not permitted. 
  • Home-dried fruit is usually not acceptable unless the inspector is satisfied that the product is dried to the same standards as commercially dried fruit.
  • Dehydrated cooked meals are permitted.


  • All nuts are permitted except for raw walnuts in shell.

Seafood for consumption and bait

  • Crustaceans (eg prawns, crayfish, lobster, crabs) must be cooked.
  • Oysters and scallops are permitted.
  • Raw fresh or frozen crustaceans (including bait crustaceans eg. bait prawns) are not permitted unless they meet specific import requirements. Phone Quarantine WA on (08) 9334 1800.


  • Honey is prohibited unless certified on a Health Certificate.
  • Bees, hive products and used equipment are prohibited except by permit.

Edible seeds (commercially packaged up to 5 kg)

Seeds that are permitted entry:

  • lentils, pumpkin (pepita), sunflower, chia, hemp, poppy and flax seeds
  • alfalfa sprouting seed (only in sprouting kits)
  • popping corn must be commercially packaged
  • split peas, lentils and soup mixes.

Sorghum seed not permitted.

Commercial small seed packets (for planting)

Must be unopened and labelled with the botanic name and of a permitted species (check permitted status via the Western Australia  Organism List). Seed enquiry email: qwa_seedsoffice@dpird.wa.gov.au

Dried herbs/spices for human consumption

Must be commercially packaged. Should contain no myrtle rust host material (including lemon myrtle).


  • Processed wood and timber products without bark is permitted entry.
  • Wood with bark - is not permitted unless the species name is known and not from the Myrtaceae family (e.g. includes eucalyptus).
  • Firewood is permitted, but must be clean, free from bark and soil and unknown plant material.

Dried plant products

  • subject to quarantine inspection for pests or the presence of seed. If pests or seed are found the product will be seized.
  • Should contain no myrtle rust host material (including lemon myrtle and eucalyptus sp). A good guide for identifying possible host is if there is a eucalyptus or tea tree-like smell. If the inspector has any doubt, the product will be seized for destruction.
  • Microwave heat bags that contain wheat, rice, lavender etc. are permitted entry.

Things to be aware of:

  • Household garden equipment (eg. lawnmowers and catchers, whipper snippers, blower vacuums, mulchers) that can be presented for physical inspection at the border may be verified as free from all plant material and insects by an inspector.
  • Flower/foliage arrangements may be seized and destroyed if not readily identifiable or if  a pest or disease host.
  • Truffles must be of a permitted species (check permitted status via the Western Australia Organism List).
  • For plant, bulb and plant material enquiries please email qwa.import@dpird.wa.gov.au or telephone  08 9334 1800.
  • For seed enquiries please email qwa_seedsoffice@dpird.wa.gov.au
  • For information regarding any other items not listed above please contact Quarantine WA on 08 9334 1800.
  • Please keep in mind that Quarantine entry requirements on the above listed items can change depending on recent pest and disease outbreaks.

Travelling from WA

Visit the Australian Interstate Quarantine website for information on quarantine restrictions when travelling to other states.

Contact information

Quarantine WA Imports