Season 2024: information for WA farmers

Page last updated: Friday, 29 November 2024 - 8:02am


  • Consider summer/autumn stock water requirements now. Plan ahead to ensure there is enough quality water available into the break of next season and formulate contingency plans. Visit Livestock water requirements and water budgeting for the south west to learn more. 
  • Review feed budgets now to ensure you retain enough grain from harvest, or source grains, pellets and hay/straw early to use for supplementary feeding over the summer/autumn period. Factor in multiple plans, including worst-case scenarios such as supplementary feeding earlier than normal and a later break. 
  • Confinement feeding is an option when paddock feed amount and quality has declined. Read our factsheet to find out more about considerations when setting up confinement feeding areas.  
  • Be aware of the symptoms of Annual Ryegrass Toxicity (ARGT). It’s important that purchased feed is tested for ARGT. 


  • Lambs being finished on cereal stubbles or dry pasture will require supplementation to meet growth rate targets over the summer period. View Growing weaner sheep to find out more.
  • Warmer winter temperatures, rainfall and low wind has seen flystrike occurring in some areas. Monitor the flock and treat if necessary.  
  • Monitor sheep condition score in the lead up to joining. Ewes should be in condition score 3 by joining to ensure optimum conception rates. Rams should also be prepared for joining by conducting the 4 T’s check and feeding a high protein diet in the leadup to joining. Find out more at Joining – setting the potential of your ewe flock.
  • Pasture quality declines rapidly after it dries off, and there are various considerations when planning grazing crop stubbles. Find out more at Grazing stubbles and dry pasture.


More livestock resources

Confinement feeding
Condition scoring

Animal health and welfare