
The Crop Sequence Calculator is an online tool to compare crop sequence options. The tool is based on trial results and historic data from Western Australia.

MySoil is a simple tool to identify soil types. Growers can use soil identification to improve soil management and reduce the impact of soil constraints.

Smoke exposure of grapevines and the development of smoke-related characteristics in the resulting wines is an increasing issue for the wine industry.

FlowerPower is an online tool to predict cereal flowering dates (or cutting dates for oats) in your location.

The following information is a summary of the presentation 'Farm machinery – understanding the true cost and getting the best value out of machinery' delivered by department economists at the 2015

Use the canola seeding rate calculator for the easiest way to calculate the seeding rate.

Deferred grazing is a tactic where stock are excluded from pasture areas to maximise germination and establishment of annual pasture seedlings.

MyCrop Oats app icon

The MyCrop Oats app is the one stop shop for your oat agronomy needs and forms part of a suite of interactive crop agronomy tools.

White rot of Allium species (caused by Sclerotium cepivorum) has been confirmed in garlic from a Perth backyard and a property in the Swan Valley.

MyPestGuide Grapes Touch icon

Growers and the general community can now use their smartphone and tablet devices to identify and report pests and diseases in their grapevines.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development's (DPIRD) network of automatic weather stations and radars throughout the state provide timely, relevant and local weather data to assi

Calibrate your bait spreaders estimate baits per square metre with a single photo.


BlacklegCM is a tool designed to assist growers and consultants to determine the best and most profitable management strategy to reduce blackleg disease and increase profits.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development's (DPIRD) Aboriginal Economic Development (AED) program builds the capacity of Aboriginal people to participate in the Western Australi

SclerotiniaCM icon

SclerotiniaCM uses a forecasting model to assist canola growers with fungicide application decisions, on a paddock by paddock basis, and the likely economic returns from those decisions.

Rainfall to date graphs show the amount of rainfall accumulated from the start of the grain growing season and can be used as a tool in the seasonal decision-making process.

Plant available soil water graphs show the amount of soil water accumulated from the start of summer (1 November) through the grain growing season and can be used as a tool in the seasonal decision

The potential yield tool uses seasonal rainfall and decile finishes, calculated from historical data, to calculate the maximum wheat yield possible in the absence of any other constraints.

The extreme weather events tool uses data from DPIRD's extensive weather station network to map air temperatures, relative humidity, dew point, Delta T and wet bulb, either below or above a specifi

Blackspot in field peas can occur in three ways; from infected seed, through the soil or most commonly, through infected pea stubble.

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