Small landholder seasonal activity list

Page last updated: Wednesday, 13 December 2017 - 1:32pm

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.


Keep on top of the following issues during June to ensure your property is well prepared for the coming months:

Topics Issues to consider


  • This season’s lambs will need to be ear marked and branded with an ear tag. To get a brand, call the Brands Office on +61 (0)8 9780 6207.
  • Lambs should be vaccinated with a 3 in 1 injection and this should be repeated at weaning.
  • Check with your local vet or agriculture advisers if you think there is a problem with trace element deficiencies in stock.
  • It is important to provide stock, particularly those with young, access to sheltered areas from the cold and wet, this will reduce the risk of animals getting hypothermia.
  • New season pasture is low in fibre, which may give sheep and cattle an upset stomach and diarrhoea. To remedy this, provide hay during the first couple of months of pasture growth.

Crops and pasture

  • Weed control in pastures can be undertaken using grazing management or selective herbicides or a combination.
  • Pasture growth rates will decline as temperatures decrease and it may be necessary to move stock from paddocks with low levels of food on offer (FOO), to protect these paddocks from overgrazing and ensure good growth rates in spring. In some cases supplementary feeding may be required.
  • Through June sowing of oats for hay production can still be undertaken. Match varieties to the season length you have remaining for your area. This ensures that hay cutting occurs at the right stage of the plants development for best quality and quantity of hay.

Fresh produce

  • Cut down old ferns of asparagus.
  • Apply lime to acidic soils and incorporate into the soil.
  • Start pruning stone fruit and pome fruit once the last of the leaves have fallen. Leaf fall can be hastened by use of appropriate nutrient foliage sprays.
  • It is also important to control winter weeds in your orchard. If you are using mulch as a method for controlling weeds be careful not to put it hard up against the stem of the tree this can encourage collar rot.
  • Avocado growers in cooler locations should be carrying out leaf analysis now to aid next season’s nutrition management programs.

Land and infrastructure management

  • Are you concerned about safety on your property? Would you like to learn more? Farmsafe WA can assist you in conducting a risk assessment and preparing safety and health action plans. To learn more about Farmsafe workshops visit their website.

Pests and weeds

  • Common techniques for controlling weeds include: grazing to allow stock to consume weeds before they seed, burning selected areas to destroy the seed bank with fire, and cultivation - an effective way to kill older plants is by physical destruction and burying seed.
  • With cooler, damper nights snails are becoming more active, now is a good time to bait snails.
  • Maintain your Mediterranean fruit fly (Medfly) control program until at least 4 weeks after all fruit has been cleaned up. If you have winter fruit crops, then you need to continue a program throughout winter.
  • Avocado growers should be in the final stages of their Phytophthora cinnamomi control/prevention program by now.
  • As the last of the apples are harvested, ensure you clean up any unwanted fruit and start clean up spray programs to reduce carryover of fungal, bacterial and mite issues.