Indicator value
Roebourne plains grass is an indicator of good pasture condition where dominant. It decreases under heavy grazing pressure.
Forage value
Roebourne plains grass tolerates drought and grazing to some extent. It is a palatable perennial, although livestock tend to preferentially graze annuals before this plant.
Clay soils, heavy loam, gilgais
General description
Roebourne plains grass is a dense, tussocky perennial lovegrass (any grass of the genus Eragrostis is termed a lovegrass) with a butt width of up to 30cm. The leaves are short, soft and mid-green in colour, starting about halfway up the stem. Seed heads are about 10cm long and are a purple shade; the crowded spikelets give the appearance of a herring bone arrangement with ‘bones’ about 1cm long and 3mm wide.