

What  global food industry trends mean to WA premium food and beverage business

Professor David Hughes to provide insights to help identify market opportunities.

Are you interested in how global industry trends can shape your business and change consumer and retailer demands?

The Food Industry Innovation project is bringing back Professor David Hughes, a pre-eminent global food industry expert, to provide insights which will help you identify market opportunities and grow your premium value-added food and beverage business.

Otherwise known as 'Dr Food' by his blog followers, Professor Hughes is Emeritus Professor of Food Marketing at Imperial College London and an advisor on international food organisation boards. He travels the world consulting to businesses, trade associations and governments. 

A key focus of the Food Industry Innovation project is to help WA producers understand global food trends and find new market opportunities.

Information and registration is available for two events to be held in Busselton and Wanneroo.

For more information  email the Food Industry Innovation team or phone 9899 9283.