AgMemo Central Agricultural Region

New Development Officers to build capacity in grains research and development

The new Regional Research Agronomy project team
The new Regional Research Agronomy project teamLeft to right: Edwina Cockburn, Jolie Delroy (Esperance); Kylie Chambers, Jenni Clausen (Merredin); Emma Clarke (Albany); Bec Swift, Stacey Hansch (Northam); Alice Butler (Albany); Adrian Rossi and Bonnie Jupp (Geraldton)

The Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia (DAFWA) now has on board a team of Development Officers to enhance the delivery of localised research and development for the Western Australian grains industry.

The appointments have resulted from the ‘Building crop protection and agronomy capacity in the Western Region’ project made possible by significant investment from DAFWA, the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) and Royalties for Regions’ Boosting Grains Research and Development project. The abbreviated title of the project is “Regional Research Agronomy’’.

The team consists of a Crop Production Research Agronomist and a Crop Protection Research Agronomist within each of the five Western Australian port zones, located at DAFWA’s regional offices of Geraldton, Merredin, Northam, Albany and Esperance.

Project Manager Vanessa Stewart said the Regional Research Agronomy project represents an interface between research and delivery and is designed to ensure that research and development outcomes hit the ground and result in improved farm profitability.

It will also play an important role in identifying emerging priority issues or regional gaps in existing research programs.

The officers are early entrants to the agriculture industry and this investment is also important in developing their capacity, providing a broad foundation for the next generation of grains industry professionals who will have the ability to innovate and create a progressive and dynamic sector able to meet future challenges.

The new Crop Protection and Crop Production Officers are:


Jenni Clausen, Crop Protection +61 (0)8 9081 3184 or email.

Kylie Chambers, Crop Production +61 (0)8 9081 3117 or email.


Stacey Hansch, Crop Protection, +61 (0)8 9690 2168 or email.

Bec Swift, Crop Production +61 (0)8 9690 2081 or email.

The officers in each port zone will work closely with a range of industry support networks including the Regional Cropping Solutions Networks (RCSN), grower groups, agribusiness and other research providers to identify, facilitate, support and/or deliver activities aligned to key industry challenges and opportunities in their regions.
For more information contact Vanessa Stewart, Development Officer, Merredin, +61 (0)8 9081 3149.