Version one of the Integrated Pest and Disease Management (IPDM) Manual was a collation of information from the research project PRJ-009832 Pests and diseases of truffle and their host trees in Australia, 2015-2019, together with information from a range of other sources. It has now been updated as part of project PRJ-013065 Improved orchard floor management in truffle orchards.
The ‘Pests and diseases’ project identified the more abundant pest and disease agents and their status in Australian truffle orchards. This Manual has been produced as a resource for Australian truffle growers to identify the risks posed by these agents and relevant details to help prevent them from affecting truffle production. The information in this Manual is designed to partner the Australian Truffle Orchards - Pest and Disease Field Guide. The Field Guide assists growers in identifying agents present, while the Manual has more detailed information on each agent to assist in managing them.
Both this Manual and the Guide are dynamic publications where information will be edited as more is learnt about the agents that occur in Australian truffle orchards. The final report of the pests and disease project is available on the AgriFutures™ website.
Funding acknowledgement
This Manual is based on research undertaken in the AgriFutures Australia Emerging Industries Program project PRJ-009832 Pests and Diseases of truffles and their host trees in Australia, 2015-2019. This project was jointly funded by AgriFutures Australia Emerging Industries Program, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) Western Australia, Australian Truffle Growers Association (ATGA), Truffle Producers Western Australia (TPWA), the Australian National University (ANU) and Department of Primary Industries New South Wales (NSW DPI).
The ‘Improved orchard floor management in truffle orchards’ project was supported by DPIRD, in collaboration with the Applied Agricultural Remote Sensing Centre and the Australian National University, through funding from AgriFutures Australia as part of its AgriFutures Emerging Industries Program, and with contribution from Truffle Producers Western Australia Inc.