MyCrop tools - tutorials and testimonials

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

Welcome to the MyCrop tools tutorial page. Here you will find tutorials and testimonials relating to the MyCrop diagnostic and decision support tools.

Ashton Gray, Agronomist - MyCrop diagnostic tools

Narrogin-based agronomist Ashton Gray outlines his experiences using the MyCrop diagonostic apps.

MyCrop Oats - crop diagnostic app

DPIRD Development Officer Georgie Troup explains the MyCrop Oats crop diagnostic app.

MyCrop app series - interactive tools for crop diagnostics

DPIRD Development Officer Andrew Blake explains the suite of MyCrop crop diagnostic apps.

Georgia Trainor - MyCrop barley variety selector

DPIRD Development Officer Georgia Trainor explains the barley variety selector module of the MyCrop barley app.

Dr Sally Peltzer - MyCrop tools

DPIRD Senior Development Officer Sally Peltzer explains the range of MyCrop tools.

Christine Zaicou-Kunesch - MyCrop variety selector

DPIRD Research Officer Christine Zaicou-Kunusch explains the wheat variety selector module of the MyCrop wheat app.


Page last updated: Thursday, 20 September 2018 - 2:44pm


Bringing diagnostics to the paddock
GRDC logo


Andrew Blake
Sally Peltzer
Christine Zaicou-Kunesch
Georgia Trainor
Georgina Troup

See Also