Registered foliar fungicides for lupin and other pulse crops in Western Australia

Page last updated: Monday, 8 July 2024 - 1:03pm

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

The information provided on this page details products with full registration or with permits for use in pulse crops and provides further details on application rates, withholding periods and other instructions. For all information related to use of registered fungicide products please refer to appropriate product labels. 

Fungicide registrations in lupin

There are a limited number of foliar fungicide active ingredients registered for lupin diseases in WA, in either narrow-leafed or albus lupins. Products are currently registered for anthracnose, botrytis grey mould and sclerotinia.

Registrations are shown in the lupin document available under 'Documents' on the right.

Detailed information on lupin foliar diseases in WA is available from the page titled Lupin foliar diseases: diagnosis and management. Lupin MyCrop pages describe the symptoms of brown spot, anthracnose, phomopsis stem and pod blight, cucumber mosaic virus, bean yellow mosaic virus, sclerotinia, grey leaf spot, Cladosporium leaf spot and grey mould. Foliar fungicides are currently only registered for managing anthracnose and grey mould, with limited options for sclerotinia stem rot, but there are other management strategies you can use to manage these and other diseases.

Fungicide registrations in other pulses

Foliar fungicides are registered for the following pulse diseases:

  • Chickpea: Ascochyta blight, Botrytis grey mould and Sclerotinia;
  • Field pea: Downy mildew, Botrytis grey mould, Blackspot and Powdery mildew;
  • Faba bean: Ascochyta blight, Cercospora, Chocolate spot and Rust;
  • Lentil: Ascochyta blight, Botrytis grey mould and Sclerotinia;
  • Vetch: Ascochyta blight, Botrytis grey mould and Rust.

Registrations are shown in the pulse document available under 'Documents' on the right.

How to use fungicides effectively

Effective fungicide use depends on the following areas:

Correct diagnosis of a fungal disease

Fungicides are effective only on diseases that are caused by fungi. Sometimes plant symptoms resemble those caused by pathogens but they are actually caused by non-pathogens, such as nutrient deficiencies or toxicities and adverse weather conditions. A disease diagnosis service is provided by DDLS - Plant pathology services. PestFacts WA provides useful up to date information on diseases present throughout the wheatbelt each season. Further information on both of these is available via the links under the 'See Also' section of this page. 

Appropriate selection of a fungicide from available registered products

Once you have correctly identified the disease, refer to the registrations document available under 'Documents' on the right for registered active ingredients in WA. For details on which products or trade names contain a specific active ingredient search the online PubCRIS database or Infopest (subscription required) or contact your agronomist or chemical provider. Foliar fungicides are currently only registered for managing anthracnose, botrytis grey mould and sclerotinia stem rot. Many of the lupin registrations are APVMA permits that have specific expiry dates.

It is vital that product labels and permits are read before application to identify: that the chemical is registered for use on the crop and for the spectrum of diseases present, the withholding period and any specific application instructions or directions for use. Be careful of tank mixes with other products. In some instances fungicide sprays need to be mixed with an adjuvant (refer to label).

Correct timing of fungicide application

Most of the information on optimal application timing is available on fungicide product labels. Fungicides are better applied before or in the initial stages of a disease outbreak so being aware of your disease risk and routine crop monitoring is needed for timely application of fungicide. Follow-up fungicide application may be needed to extend protection in some situations. Refer to specific DPIRD disease management pages on this site for recommended application timings, such as Lupin foliar diseases: diagnosis and managment, external link available on the right.

Reduce the risk of fungicide resistance developing

Fungicide resistance develops from misuse of fungicides and poor disease management practices. There are currently barley powdery mildew and net blotch populations resistant to some fungicides in WA so this is a very real threat that we are facing.  You can reduce the risk of fungicide resistance developing by growing varieties less susceptible to disease (where available), supported by integrated disease management in conjunction with strategic and responsible use of fungicides (eg rotating and mixing fungicides with different modes of action). For more information on how fungicide resistance develops, where it is occurring, and what you can do to avoid the risk of it developing in your crops go to the Australian Fungicide Resistance Extension Network (AFREN) webpage.

Disclaimer: Mention of trade names does not imply endorsement or preference of any company’s product by Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development and any omission of a trade name is unintentional. Recommendations are current at the time this page was prepared.