Western Australia's Aquaculture
Western Australia has the potential for long term aquaculture investment opportunities. Our tropical to cool temperate climate is well suited to a range of fish species.
The most significant growth is anticipated in the sectors culturing marine finfish and shellfish, such as yellowtail kingfish, barramundi, abalone and edible oysters. The continuing emergence of improved technology and new high-value industries such as coral, seaweed and freshwater crustaceans will further diversify the industry.
Support for Aquaculture investment in Western Australia
The Government of Western Australia supports the development of sustainable aquaculture operations and infrastructure to ensure our industry remains internationally competitive.
There is opportunity for involvement in early stages of development to plan and capitalise on the future growth of aquaculture in Western Australia.
The state has invested in a number of supportive infrastructure initiatives which includes:
- Albany Shellfish Hatchery
- Fremantle Marine Finfish Hatchery
- Geraldton Marine Finfish Nursery (under construction)
- Hillarys Shellfish Research Facility
- Kimberley and Mid West Finfish Aquaculture Development Zones
- South Coast Shellfish Aquaculture Development Zone (in progress).
Competitive advantages in Western Australia
Western Australia's competitive advantages include:
- Areas of pristine-quality coastal waters.
- High-level biosecurity afforded by Western Australia’s isolation and strong regulatory framework.
- Technological improvements that enable large-scale offshore aquaculture in more exposed waters.
- World-class government-owned applied research facilities and staff.
- World-class scientific and engineering capabilities.
- Political and economic stability.
Backed by stringent biosecurity protocols, developed infrastructure and committed government support, we offer a world-class platform for clean, safe, premium and sustainable produce and value-added products.
Australia’s free trade agreements enable Western Australia to capitalise on the growing aquaculture market.
Global demand for healthy, clean, sustainable and ethically-grown produce drives opportunities to meet local and global consumer demand and promotes export and trade in key aquaculture markets.
We invite you to read the Aquaculture Development Plan for Western Australia. The plan, which was released in November 2020 outlines the Western Australian Government’s initiatives for developing the aquaculture industry and creating aquaculture investment opportunities.
To invest or develop into our markets we invite you to contact us to see how your aquaculture project can be developed on our shores.
e investment@dpird.wa.gov.au
p +61 (0)8 9368 3590
e aquaculture@dpird.wa.gov.au
p +61 1300 374 731 (1300 DPIRD1)