
The Crop Sowing Guide for Western Australia is a one stop shop for variety information on all the major crops grown in WA.

Seasonal Climate Outlook October 2022

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development’s (DPIRD) Statistical Seasonal Forecast (SSF) outlook for October to December, 2022 is indicating mostly neutral (40-60%) probability of above median rainfall for the majority of the South West Land Division (SWLD).

Ovine Observer Issue number # 96 October 2022

In this issue:

1. Pregnancy scanning increases profit for all flocks and times of lambing

2. Lower Reproductive Rate and Lamb Survival Contribute to Lower Lamb Marking Rate in Maiden Ewes Compared to Multiparous Ewes

3. Is hemp a suitable forage for sheep?

4. Do you...

The Western Australian Farming Systems project is a 5 year co-investment by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) and the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC), undertaking farming systems research and development (R&D) in the medium and low rainfa

Ovine Observer Issue number # 95 June 2022

In this issue:

1. An economic analysis of sheep flock structures for mixed enterprise Australian farm businesses

2. MLA Tedera Demonstration 2020-2023

3. Using scanned fetal numbers to inform reproduction trait performance in the MERINOSELECT Evaluation

4. Pain relief...

Primary producers are gaining an edge by leveraging data to inform decision-making and improve their farm's productivity.

Data gains meaning through insights. However, with data located in multiple cloud platforms, sharing data can be complex.

Extrata adheres to rigorous privacy procedures to secure and protect our user's sensitive personal and agricultural data.

A farm’s data from the tractor, header, weather stations and soil moisture probes often sit in various online clouds and can be difficult to access.

Extrata® is a new data exchange platform designed to assist WA primary producers to gain actionable insights to boost their operational performance.

This page has a series of maps that looks at future climate projections of the South West Land Division using data from My Climate View.

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