The Soil and Land Conservation Act 1945 (SLC Act) is the principal legislation in Western Australia relating to the conservation of soil and land resources, and to the mitigation of the effects of erosion, salinity and flooding.
The establishment of the Soil and Land Conservation Council (Council) is prescribed by s.9A of the SLC Act. The Commissioner is a member of Council and the Minister may appoint up to 9 members. Its functions are set out in s.16 of the SLC Act.
The Council’s functions
The SLCC's functions are to:
- provide advice to the Minister on policy matters and the condition of soil and land resources
- co-ordinate, review, monitor and advise on the implementation of soil and land conservation programs funded by the State and Commonwealth Governments
- co-ordinate the establishment of, and activities within Land Conservation District Committees (LCDCs).
- promote awareness of land degradation and conservation
- assist the Commissioner of Soil and Land Conservation (the Commissioner) to comply with functions under the Act.
Lisa Chalmers, Executive Officer, Soil and Land Conservation Council; Tel +61 (0)477 337 967; Email: