Bundle-bundle (Dichanthium fecundum) in the Western Australian rangelands

Page last updated: Wednesday, 7 July 2021 - 9:53am

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

Bundle-bundle (Dichanthium fecundum) is one of many plant species found in the Western Australian rangelands.

This page provides a summary of the plant's value for pastoralism. Pastoral lessees and station managers can use this information to assess pasture condition and trend.

Indicator value

Where bundle-bundle is dominant, it indicates good pasture condition. It is a desirable species and decreases under heavy grazing pressure.

Forage value

Bundle-bundle is a valued fodder grass. It is palatable, productive and nutritious when green and is very attractive to livestock. 


River frontage, heavy soils.

General description

Bundle-bundle is a tufted, leafy, perennial grass that can grow 50–100cm tall, with slender branched stems. The leaf blades are long and narrow when green, but curl with age. The seed heads consist of 2–6 closely spaced spikes about 3–6cm long. When the seeds fall off at maturity, a few furry seed sheaths are usually left behind at the base of the seed head. It flowers from February to May. There are 3 distinct forms of this plant in the Kimberley; the photos and description given here are for the most common form.

Bundle-bundle (Dichanthium fecundum) in the Western Australian rangelands
