Do you want to host a native budworm moth trap this season?
In the next few weeks volunteer farmers, agronomists and some Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) staff will commence weekly pheromone trapping for native budworm moths.
This trapping is part of a program to monitor the potential risk of native budworm caterpillars to pulse and canola crops. More information on the native budworm moth can be found at DPIRD’s Management and economic thresholds for native budworm page.
If you are interested in hosting a trap more information about installing and monitoring, plus last season’s trapping data, is available at DPIRD’s Native budworm moth trapping in Western Australia page.
Farmers or consultants who would like to have a trap on their property this season can contact DPIRD’s technical officer Alan Lord, South Perth, on +61 (0)8 9368 3758 or +61 (0)409 689 468.
Sclerotinia apothecia are also being found down south
- Kendenup
- Albany
Plant pathologist Kithsiri Jayasena (DPIRD) reports that sclerotinia apothecia are present in a canola national variety trial (NVT) site near Kendenup and also at the Albany DPIRD office.
These reports indicate that conditions are now conducive for this disease in some areas in the south of WA.
DPIRD’s PestFax service is still keen to receive any reports of any other apothecia finds or sclerotinia disease observations as the season progresses.
For more information on previous apothecia reports received this season and managing sclerotinia refer to;
- DPIRD’s 2019 PestFax Issue 9 article Sclerotinia apothecia are being found
- DPIRD’s Managing sclerotinia stem rot in canola page and
- GRDC’s Sclerotinia stem rot in canola fact sheet.
For more information on sclerotinia contact plant pathologists Ciara Beard, Geraldton on +61 (0)8 9956 8504, Ravjit Khangura, South Perth on +61 (0)8 9368 3374 or Andrea Hills, Esperance on +61 (0)8 9083 1144.