AgMemo Northern Agricultural Region

MyCrop diagnostic apps a must for the growing season

Tablet and oats
DAFWA’s MyCrop diagnostic tool enables growers to identify crop constraints

Growers and agronomists are reminded to download the MyCrop diagnostic apps before the growing season.

Developed by the Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia (DAFWA) these apps can be used to diagnose and overcome constraints in broadacre crops thereby optimising yield potential.

MyCrop includes a range of interactive tools to help overcome constraints to production in wheat, barley, canola, lupins, oats and field pea crops. 

The MyCrop diagnostic apps and other tools and can be accessed on the DAFWA website.

Separate apps are available for wheat, barley, canola, oats and pulses (lupins and field peas) and can be downloaded from iTunes or Google Play directly to tablets and mobile phones for use in the field.

The MyCrop diagnostic tool enables growers to use a process of elimination to identify and treat crop constraints.

MyCrop is very easy to use, growers simply select from a range of paddock and soil clues to identify the likely cause of their problem, such as pests, diseases, soil deficiencies, environmental and weather factors.

The MyCrop tool includes an extensive library of images allowing growers to compare in-paddock crop symptoms with high quality photographs depicting crop constraints.

Once the problem is identified, growers can then link into further information about how to overcome the constraint.

Each of the apps includes a link that can be used to log the occurrence of pests and diseases directly to the department’s PestFax Map database.

Users can also access the MyCrop diagnostic tools via the MyCrop page of the DAFWA website without a mobile device.

The suite of MyCrop apps, which was developed by the department with support from the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) has had more than 4000 downloads since its inception in 2013.

The free apps do not require the internet to function once downloaded.

For more information on the apps or the MyCrop project please contact Andrew Blake, Development Officer, Geraldton on +61 (0)8 9956 8564.