Diagnosing barley leaf rust

A fungal leaf disease specific to barley that can spread rapidly within and between crops causing yield losses of up to 45% in susceptible varieties.


Light brown pustule on upper leaf surface that darken with age
Early infection on leaf and (severe infection) stem
Affected leaves yellow and wither from the tip

What to look for


  • Generally uniform infection across a crop, can start as 'hot spots' (foci) of infection in paddock from which disease rapidly spreads.


  • Small, circular to oval pustules with light brown powdery spores on upper surface of leaves and on leaf sheaths in cases of heavy infection.
  • As the crop matures, pustules darken and produce black spores embedded in leaf tissue.
  • Leaf rust spores rarely appear on back of the leaf.
  • Yellowing spreads around pustules and leaves wither and die back from the tip.
  • Shrivelled grain with severe infection.

Where did it come from?

Green bridge
Green bridge
Wet conditions
Wet conditions
  • Leaf rust requires a green host plant to survive the summer, so disease risk is highest when a green bridge allows the fungus to survive into the new season.
  • Leaf rust can occur throughout the season and develops rapidly in moist conditions when temperatures are between 15-22°C.

Management strategies

Resistant varieties
Resistant varieties
Green bridge control
Green bridge control
Spraying foliar
Spraying foliar
  • Avoid sowing susceptible varieties.
  • Destroy green bridge.
  • Seed dressing fungicides are not registered for this disease but some products can delay disease onset.
  • Monitor crops and apply registered foliar fungicide at first sign of leaf rust.

Where to go for expert help

DDLS Seed Testing and Certification
+61 (0)8 9368 3721
Page last updated: Thursday, 16 April 2015 - 10:15am