Weed threats to the Kimberley Region: pathways and the risk of incursion

Page last updated: Tuesday, 17 October 2017 - 9:04am

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

External plant threats to the Kimberley originate from many sources and only some can be managed. Without an understanding of these pathways, the species that can utilise them and the potential impacts and costs, the Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia (DAFWA) cannot effectively protect the region, the state, its many industries and partner organisations, or the environment.

For a full copy of this report please refer to the documents on the right hand side.


This report identifies a number of biosecurity risk pathways entering Western Australia through the Kununurra checkpoint.

Each pathway is discussed and assessed for its risk potential.

The most extreme risk is the interstate movement of livestock. The transport of agricultural produce is considered to be a high risk.

Five moderate risks include movement via clothing, machinery and vehicles, construction materials, waste disposal and weed escapees from adjacent locations.

Natural spread by animals, wind and water and spread via the nursery and the grain and fodder seed industries are considered a low risk.


In consultation with identified stakeholders:

  • A response plan should be drafted that considers each pathway with clearly developed recommendations showing the best way to deal with the highest risk pathways.
  • The response plan should include a regular and targeted surveillance component at both the landscape and pathway level; and regulatory compliance and enforcement components.
  • The response plan would assist in the development of a biosecurity policy for each pathway.

Contact information

Rod Randall
+61 (0)8 9363 4065
