
DAFWA supports the growth of WA’s agrifood sector in four key areas: markets, productivity, profitability and people.

DAFWA supports the growth of WA’s agrifood sector in four key areas: markets, productivity, profitability and people.

The Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia supports the growth of Western Australia’s agrifood sector in four key areas: markets, productivity, profitability and people.

DAFWA supports the growth of WA’s agrifood sector in four key areas: markets, productivity, profitability and people.

Leasing land can be a great way to get into agriculture or expand your existing business without the high capital cost of purchasing land.

Farmers’ markets are rapidly growing in popularity as an ideal way for small producers to sell their locally produced and value-added products.

Various insects and mites can damage vegetables in home gardens at all stages of growth.

While there are lots of things that need to be done every day in a business, it is important to keep our eye on what it is we are trying to achieve; the target outcomes.

Goals are an important part of business improvement.  Having SMARTT goals makes it easier to stay on track to success and keep motivated.

The question "Why?" can be a powerful problem finding tool, particularly when it is asked at least five times in a row.  The Repetitive why technique uses the question "Why?" to get past the sympto

In any business there are a number of things that have to be in place and working well if the business is to achieve its goals. These are the critical success factors (CSFs).

A How-how diagram helps to identify ways to achieve a goal or solve a problem. It shows a range of possible solutions all in one place.

Ampelovirus Little cherry virus 2 (LChV-2) is one cause of little cherry disease (LCD) and is an exotic pest to Western Australia.

Your small scale farming operation may classify you as a primary producer for tax purposes and this can have a significant impact on your tax reporting requirements.

The Impact and influence tool is used to help to decide which options to choose to achieve a goal. This tool uses two criteria:

The Eight criteria technique is used to compare different options for achieving a goal. It also highlights issues that need to be managed when implementing the selected option.

When working towards a goal there are often things that help us and other things that work against us. Force field analysis looks at ways to manage these helpful and unhelpful effects.

The Five Ws and one H tool is easy to use.  It can be used for lots of things including planning action and solving problems.

How do you remove a screw without a screwdriver? The right tool can make all the difference.

Horse ownership is a popular pursuit for many small landholders.

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