Smokebush for cutflower production

Page last updated: Friday, 9 December 2016 - 1:59pm

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

Postharvest treatment and transport

Conospermums do not require any special vase solutions but blue species must have their stems stood in water after picking to maximise vase life and quality.

C. eatoniae is best picked and packed in five stem bunches, in perforated sleeves to prevent tangling. White smokebush responds to 5–10% glycerin for preserving stems. Flowers can be treated for insect disinfestation with an Insectigas®/Pestigas® aerosol treatment.
Bunches should be cooled to 2oC before export.


Blue smokebush is sought on overseas markets, particularly Japan, as a high value cutflower for use in the wedding and Ikebana trade. White smokebush is used as a filler and generally commands a lower price than blue smokebush.


Kevin Seaton