New member to DPIRD entomology team
I’d like to introduce myself to the Western Australian wine industry. My name is Alison Mathews and I have recently taken on the role of research scientist in crop protection, within the horticulture section at DPIRD. I’ll be doing research into crop pests for a whole range of horticultural crops in the south west, providing information to industry and am available to assist with commercial pest enquiries. I am based at the Manjimup office.
Many of you would know of, or have worked with, Stewart Learmonth, the horticultural entomologist based out of Manjimup, who worked for the Department for many years. Stewart has now stepped back from front line work as he transitions into retirement and I have taken on his roles and responsibilities. I have been working alongside Stewart for the last 18 months, learning the ropes.
I have worked for DPIRD since 2006, working in projects looking at management of dryland salinity and vegetable nutrition and irrigation management. Prior to that, I studied agricultural science at the University of Tasmania and completed my honours in entomology.
I am currently working on projects with the avocado, pome fruit and olive industries and recently truffles as well. Although I’m not working on any specific viticulture projects at the moment, as a significant horticultural industry for this region I am eager to make connections with growers and learn more about the industry as a whole and specifically the pest challenges faced. Please feel free to contact me. I look forward to working with your industry in the future.
I can be contacted on +61 (8) 9777 0122, 0427 843 312 or at