
PestFacts WA

First field pea blackspot disease forecast for WA available online

Field pea with blackspot
Field pea with blackspot. Photo courtesy of: DPIRD.

The department’s first blackspot in field peas disease forecast for Western Australia for the 2021 season is now available online. It is current to 3 May 2021.

Blackspot becomes established when spores of the fungi produced on old field pea stubble are carried into the new crop by wind after rain events. Infection may occur at any stage of plant growth.

Rain that was received in many areas of the WA grain belt in late March, with follow up cyclonic showers during April, has meant that at many locations maturation of the blackspot fruiting bodies on previous season’s field pea stubble has started. 

For most locations, the blackspot risk is currently high and several more rain events will be needed before it is safe to sow field pea. In areas where sowing will be delayed, it would be worth considering additional weed management in paddocks that will be sown to field pea.

In a few areas around Esperance and at Mt Barker, the blackspot risk is already low.

DPIRD is urging growers in Scaddan, Grass Patch, and Salmon Gums to delay sowing until at least 10 May, and at Mt Barker it is not recommended to sow field pea until after 25 May. Sowing too early at these locations can result in a higher risk of frost damage later in the season.

To view the latest forecast, refer to DPIRD's Field pea blackspot management guide for Western Australia - 3rd May 2021.

For more information on blackspot, refer to the department’s Diagnosing blackspot in field peas webpage.

Blackspot Manager is a model that predicts the maturity and release of spores using weather data from the nearest weather station. Advice is given on when it is safe to sow field pea.

To subscribe to the free blackspot SMS service, text 'blackspot', your name, and nearest weather station to +61 (0)475 959 932 or email to subscribe to the direct email service.

For more information on blackspot in field peas, or the forecasts, contact Jean Galloway, Research Scientist, Northam on +61 (0)475 959 932.



Article author: Jean Galloway (DPIRD Northam) and Cindy Webster (DPIRD Narrogin).