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Fishers, growers and gardeners invited to DPIRD stand at Kununurra Show

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Monday, 10. July 2023 - 10:00

Visitors to the Kununurra Agricultural Show are invited to stop by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) stand to access the latest information on biosecurity and recreational fishing.

The display will include plant pests and diseases including myrtle rust, livestock biosecurity and how to report any pests or diseases of concern.

Resources for recreational fishers will be available, including barramundi fishing requirements, possession limits, rules around filleting at sea, release weights and why fish traps are illegal in WA.

DPIRD Kununurra project manager Noel Wilson encouraged show goers to take the opportunity to talk directly to expert staff about biosecurity risks and regulation.

“Biosecurity is a shared responsibility and there are many ways the community can assist in supporting our local agricultural industries and the environment,” Mr Wilson.

“For suspect plant pests or diseases, the MyPestGuide® Reporter app is a simple tool that anyone can use to make a report to DPIRD.”

Mr Wilson said myrtle rust, a serious disease infecting many plants belonging to the Myrtaceae family, was detected in the northern part of the State in June last year.

“We remind bushwalkers, travellers and local residents in the region to look out for and report plants with signs of myrtle rust,” he said.

Northern Australia Quarantine Strategy (NAQS) biosecurity officers will be on hand to discuss the various exotic plant pests and diseases, weeds and animal diseases they target as part of their surveillance programs across northern Australia.

Staff from the national CitrusWatch program will also be available to give an overview of targeted surveillance underway in northern Australia for exotic pest species which pose a risk to the citrus industry.

DPIRD community education officer Danielle Linardopoulos said fishers could access current recreational fishing information and find out more about fishing sustainability in the North Coast Region.

The Kununurra Agricultural Show will be held on Friday and Saturday, 14 and 15 July 2023 at the showgrounds, located at 202 Coolibah Drive, Kununurra.

DPIRD community education officer Danielle Linardopoulos
DPIRD community education officer Danielle Linardopoulos says DPIRD will be back at the Kununurra Agricultural Show with the latest information on recreational fishing.

Media contact:

Jodie Thomson, media liaison                        (08) 9368 3937