Spot form of net blotch (SFNB) is a major foliar fungal disease of barley in Australia and decreases grower profitability by impacting the yield and quality. Reduced quality is most apparent by reduced grain size and results in downgrading from higher grade malt quality to lower grade feed quality.
There is a lack of confidence and understanding of the causes of a SFNB epidemic in the low rainfall zones of Western Australia. Contributing factors include environmental variability, stubble decomposition rates over summer, and likely fungal spore release timing during the season.
To develop effective and practical strategies to effectively suppress the disease to an economically acceptable standard, this project aims to increase the understanding of factors contributing to a SFNB epidemiology in barley in the low rainfall zones of Western Australia.
Additionally, with increased knowledge of when the environmental conditions are less favourable for the disease the number of fungicide applications may be reduced. This in turn will reduce the risk of the development of fungicide resistance by SFNB.
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