Exercise APOLLO - May 2016

Page last updated: Thursday, 8 December 2016 - 3:56pm

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

DAFWA places a high priority on emergency preparedness and response to safeguard our agricultural industries.

As part of this commitment, DAFWA hosted a national emergency response exercise, Exercise APOLLO, over three days from 17-19 May 2016 in Bunbury, as part of the Royalties for Regions-funded Boosting Biosecurity Defences project.

Approximately 180 DAFWA staff and stakeholder representatives participated in the exercise.

A detailed report about the exercise is now available on the right hand side of this page.

Exercise APOLLO

Exercise APOLLO was a livestock disease-based scenario which built on the extensive training program currently underway with DAFWA staff to equip them with the necessary skills to respond effectively in an emergency.

The exercise provided an opportunity to practise, evaluate and validate a number of current programs, in addition to assisting with the prioritisation of wider ‘whole of department’ emergency response initiatives going forward.

The exercise saw the establishment of an operational State Co-ordination Centre (SCC) and Local Co-ordination Centre (LCC) co-located in separate facilities in Bunbury.

DAFWA staff, together with industry and relevant WA and Australian government agency personnel, were required to fulfil roles and responsibilities within the centres, as required by arrangements detailed in AUSVETPLAN, the State Emergency Management arrangements including Westplan and DAFWA’s Incident Management Manual.

The Exercise APOLLO scenario was based on an outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) and focused on testing MAX - a new incident management platform - and disposal arrangements.

Exercise APOLLO was also preceded by a number of workshops and training activities designed to focus participants on specific functions within the co-ordiantion centres.

The exercise was recoginsed nationally as a success. It has provided DAFWA with a platform to further build and enhance is emergency response capability, capacity and preparedness.

Contact information

Shane Bryant
+61 (0)8 9780 6281