My role in the department
I work in the Grains Business Development portfolio. I am part of the team implementing business planning activities for the new grains R&D entity. This is part of the $20M Royalties for Regions project 'Boosting Grains Research and Development'. I am responsible for gathering information on the entity's business requirements for IT systems, equipment and facilities, then working with other members of the team to transition activities into an operational entity.
The entity has the primary objective of improving and supporting WA grain growers and industry through the development and delivery of science, technology and innovation focussed on on-farm sustainability and productivity delivering benefits to Western Australia. We will create the sustainable infrastructure and business environment that will enable ongoing R&D to be successfully supported.
My background
I have worked in DPIRD over 25 years – starting as a Technical Officer on one of the first GRDC funded projects. I gained a position as a Research Officer in 1995 compiling the Crop Variety Sowing Guide, and I also produced new variety pamphlets and attended field days to promote new variety releases from DPIRD.
In 2000 I took over the project management of the Crop Variety Testing. This was a time that saw many changes, including a more focussed trial program, the start of NVT and the establishment of InterGrain. I worked with our Research Support Units to rationalise CVT trial locations and helped develop the quality assurance program for pedigree seed production. Implementing new technologies on a research trial scale was a focus during this time, with all our RSU seeding, spraying and harvesting equipment being setup with GPS equipment.
Most recently I worked in the grains communication team, championing our contributions to staff profiles.
- Grains Business Development
Key Expertise
- Diploma of Project Management, Central Institute of Technology
- Diploma of Education, Murdoch University
- Bachelor of Science (Hons), Murdoch University