Doublegee control

Page last updated: Monday, 16 January 2017 - 4:27pm

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

Control methods for doublegee (Emex australis) a declared pest in Western Australia.

Information about this pest can be found on the doublegee: declared pest page.

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Chemical requirements

When using any agricultural chemicals please ensure that you always follow instructions on the label and any permit. Users of agricultural chemical products must always strictly comply with the directions on the label and the conditions of any permit. To view permits or product labels go to the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority website.

Control options

Chemical control options can be found below. For other methods of control please refer to the declared plant control handbook.

Chemical control options

Recommended herbicides

Pre-sowing - wheat and triticale only:

Chlorsulfuron, Logran® 714; Metsulfuron

Post-sowing - wheat and barley:


In crops three to five leaf stage:

Diuron + MCPA

In crops five leaf stage to start of tillering:

Dicamba (e.g. Banvel); Diuron + 2,4-DB



Pastures-when weeds actively growing:

Diuron + 2,4-DB; Spinnaker® + Diuron Broadstrike®

Herbicide: Glyphosate(Group M) (various trade names: see APVMA link)

Active ingredient

360,450, 500g/L and 680, 700 and 840g/kg of glyphosate

Rate of dilution for spot spraying

  • 1:200 for 360g/L
  • 1:250 for 450g/L
  • 1:280 for 500g/L

Adjust rates for other formulations of glyphosate

Rate of product/10L water 50mL for 360g/L

Rate of product/ha

  • 1.5L for 360g/L
  • 1.2L for 450g/L

Adjust rates for other formulations of glyphosate

Time of application Winter-spring


Glyphosate is non-selective: repeat each year until dormant seed in soil is exhausted

Herbicide: Chlorsulfuron (Group B) (various trade names: see APVMA link)

Active ingredient

750g/kg chlorsulfuron

Rates of dilution for spot spraying

Not recommended

Rate of product/10L water

Not recommended

Rate of product/ha


Time of application

Wheat and triticale pre-sowing only

Remarks and other control methods

  • control in crops - preferred treatment prior to planting
  • not very effective on doublegee post-emergence
  • alternatives in cereal crops e.g. diuron + MCPA or 2,4-D.

Herbicide: Metsulfuron (Group B) (various trade names: see APVMA link)

Active ingredient

600g/kg metsulfuron methyl

Rates of dilution for spot spraying

Not recommended

Rate of product/10L water

Not recommended

Rate of product/ha


Wetting agent dilution

As per label

Time of application

Post-sowing wheat and barley


  • effective post-emergence
  • alternatives in cereal crops for example, diuron + MCPA.

Herbicide: Triasulfuron (Group B) (various trade names: see APVMA link)

Active ingredient

714g/kg triasulfuron

Rate of product/ha


Time of application

Pre-sowing wheat only

Remarks and other control methods

  • effective post-emergence when mixed with terbutryn
  • alternatives in cereal crops for example, diuron + MCPA.

Herbicide: Dicamba (Group I) (various trade names: see APVMA link)

Active ingredient

  1. 200g/L dicamba
  2. 500g/L dicamba
  3. 700g/L dicamba

Rates of dilution for spot spraying

  1. 1:600
  2. 1:1000
  3. 1:2000

Rate of product/10L water

  1. 16mL
  2. 10mL
  3. 7g

Rate of product/ha

  1. 700mL in crop or 1.6L in non-crop
  2. 300mL in crop or 0.6L in non-crop
  3. 100g at two to three leaf stage; 200g at five leaf to tillering of crop

Time of application

  • in crops from five leaf stage of crop to start of tillering
  • for spot spraying winter-spring when plants are small.

Remarks and other control methods

  • any herbicide containing dicamba is effective on doublegee e.g. dicamba + MCPA
  • alternatives in cereal crops: for example, diuron + MCPA
  • spray-graze pastures when weeds six to eight weeks old using 2,4-D amine.

Herbicide: Diuron (Group C) + MCPA or 2,4-D amine (Group I)

Active ingredient

500g/L diuron

900g/kg diuron + 500g/L MCPA amine or 500g/L 2,4-D amine

Rates of dilution for spot spraying

200mL diuron or

100g diuron + 1000mL MCPA or 2,4-D amine in 100L water

Rate of product/ha

  1. 350mL or 200g + 400mL MCPA amine
  2. 500mL or 280g + 200mL 2,4-D amine

Time of application

  1. In crops 3-5 leaf stage (Zadok 12-14)
  2. In crops 4-5 leaf stage (Zadok 14-15)

Remarks and other control methods

Spray-graze pastures with 2,4-D amine when weeds six to eight weeks old   

Herbicide: Diuron (Group C) + 2,4-DB (Group I)

Active ingredient

500g/L diuron + 400g/L 2,4-DB

Rate of product/ha

250mL + 400mL

Time of application

Weeds with cotyledons and one to two leaves

Remarks and other control methods

  • subterranean clovers on lighter soils may be slightly damaged
  • spray-graze pastures with 2,4-D amine when weeds six to eight weeks old. Mainly for pasture use when subclover present.

Herbicide: Spinnaker® (Group B)+ Diuron (Group C)

Active ingredient

700g/kg imazethapyr + 500g/L diuron

Rate of product/ha

50g + 150-300mL

Wetting agent

2% liquid ammonium sulphate

Time of application

When weeds actively growing having up to four leaves

Remarks and other control methods

  • for subterranean clover pasture: should have three or more trifoliate leaves: in wet years the high rate of diuron may damage clovers
  • can also be used on faba beans, peas and lucerne.

Herbicide: Broadstrike® (Group B)

Active ingredient

800g/kg flumetsulam

Rate of product/ha


Wetting agent dilution

Uptake® 500mL per 100L or wetting agents such as BS-1000 @ 100mL/100L

Remarks and other control methods

  • pasture yields may be reduced when applied to Nungarin sub. clover or Serena medic.
  • research on the use of oils and addition of diuron @ 100mL/ha or simazine @ 750mL/ha continuing also has some activity on capeweed in pasture.

Contact information

Pest and Disease Information Service (PaDIS)
+61 (0)8 9368 3080